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Super Automatic Espresso Machines

Antica Tostatura Triestine (or simply Antica) is an outstanding wood-roasted Italian espresso and coffee from Trieste, Italy, which is currently served in 26 countries worldwide. Martha Stewart has used our coffee exclusively on her show since its inception five years ago and it is endorsed as one of her “must

Taste: Most coffee experts consider grinding and brewing under high pressure within a short period of time the ideal process to achieve maximum flavor and aroma without bitterness and over-extraction. Our own research shows that coffee lovers prefer high-pressure brewed coffee over any other coffee brewing method. Variety: Make authentic

Article: Women’s Health Magazine Unsure how a cappuccino differs from a latte? Consult this coffee guide, courtesy of Giorgio Milos, illy’s master barista. Espresso 1 oz (single shot Cappuccino 2 oz milk foam 3 oz steamed milk 1 oz espresso Latte 1 oz milk foam 6 oz steamed milk 1