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Free Espresso Based Drink Recipes From 1st In Coffee

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A small 1.0 to 1.5 oz. shot of pressure brewed Italian coffee.  A cup of espresso requires between 6.5 to 7.5 grams of ground espresso coffee.  Espresso is used as the coffee base in many of our favorite coffee drinks.  Properly brewed, an espresso will feature a layer of rich crema on the surface.  Espresso, while apparently a simple drink, is in reality a complex product. It is derived from 1500 chemical substances (800 volatile and 700 soluble), and when prepared correctly involves 13 independent chemical and physical variables.

Cappuccino is made by combining equal parts of steamed milk, milk froth and espresso.

Espresso coffee poured into hot water


Espresso mixed with plenty of steamed milk. Often flavored with syrup.

Mocha Latte
Espresso mixed with hot steamed chocolate milk

An  espresso (single shot or double) stained (or marked) with a large dollop of frothed milk.

“Corrected Espresso” 

Shot of Cognac added to a shot of espresso

Affogato Mocha
Ice Cream covered in espresso. In a small cup or bowl, 1 scoop of chocolate of vanilla ice cream, sprinkle with chocolate chips of chocolate pieces, pour over in shot of hot espresso and 1 shot of rum or brandy, serve immediately.

Crema Coffee
Pressure brewed like an espresso, but using a much larger amount of water, proportions vary, try 8 grams of coffee for a six ounce serving.  A rich crema like that found on an espresso should be present.  Super automatic coffee and espresso centers do a great job producing espresso or crema coffee.

Hot Chocolate
Warm milk mixed with sweetened Cocoa powder or Chocolate syrup.  A little whipped cream doesn’t hurt either.  Using the frothing arm on your espresso machine to heat up milk for hot chocolate is a great idea.

Espresso Sundae
One scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream with a shot of espresso poured over it.

At 1st in Coffee we feature espresso beans, espresso machines, coffee grinders, frothers and coffee makers.  We feature the Jura Capresso espresso machine, Rancilio silva , Super Automatics, Saeco, Saeco Coffee Machines, La Pavoni, Electra, Pasquini, Isomac, DeLongi, Francis Francis, Nespresso Machine,  Salvatore, Vibiemme and Cuisinart brands.

1st in Coffee offers the finest espresso beans illy and Lavazza.1st in Coffee also carries like-new refurbished espresso machines.

1st in coffee offers a 30 day guarantee, free shipping on espresso machines and coffee makers purchased over $50, lowest price guaranteed, sales tax not charged, except in New Jersey. Secure Online Ordering


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1 Comment

  1. December 17, 2009 at 8:18 am — Reply

    1st in Coffee offers the finest espresso beans illy and Lavazza.1st in Coffee also carries like-new refurbished espresso machines

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