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Coffee Benefits
21 Famous Coffee Drinkers Throughout the Ages
Filled with prolific composers, inventors, philosophers, politicians, writers, and more, this list includes 21 movers and shakers throughout history who shared at least one common love — coffee. Was this the secret sauce to their success or merely a coincidence? I like to believe the former, and credit the bean
New study Suggests Drinking Coffee Can Protect Against Skin Cancer
Finally, some good news in 2020! Most coffee drinkers don’t need arm-twisting to convince them to enjoy their favorite brew. But these days, our health is at the front of our minds more than ever. So it’s nice knowing your daily pick-me-up is also good for you! Perhaps you are
Why You Should Make the Switch to Gourmet Coffee
Unfortunately, there are many people who refuse to try gourmet coffee because it sounds elitist, or they think that it is a scam, but those people are missing out on some of the delicious flavors that higher quality coffee has to offer. Plus, there are some other benefits that gourmet
What Coffee Can Do for Your Workout
When it comes to working out, many of us simply roll out of bed and start exercising before our brains can realize what is going on. Others have to have coffee before they get their sweat on, and they swear it helps boost their performance. Is drinking coffee before you
Coffee Trees Making a Comeback
It’s true that coffee beans have been getting all the attention these days. We don’t generally think about the other parts that are required to make coffee, because we rarely see them in action, but have you ever wondered what happens to the cherries that were picked, in order to