Espresso Yourself – With A Jura Capresso Espresso Machine
The Jura capresso ENA4 super automatic espresso and coffee centers are the slimmest yet, less than 9 1/2 inches wide. Offering super easy bean to cup functionality. The Jura Capresso ENA from 1st In Coffee, features a professional grade coffee grinder to provide outstanding crema coffee, espresso, cappuccino and latte. Grinds, tamps, brews, serves and self cleans in less than 60 seconds. Special price $699.
The majority of coffee experts considers brewing coffee fast and under high pressure the ideal process to extract maximum flavor and aroma from your coffee. The high pressure and the short brewing time prevent the extraction of bitter oils and release less caffeine than other brewing methods.
When you use this technique and brew one to two ounces of coffee it is considered an espresso. When the grinding, the tamping and the pressure brewing all come together in the right combination your espresso will always feature a foamy layer on top, called “crema”. The crema traps the fine aromatics and the light gaseous flavors that register on the palate. It keeps the flavors, which would other wise escape, locked in. The crema is the hallmark of a well prepared espresso.
Pressure is the result of the packed (tamped) coffee giving the water resistance to pass through. The pump forces the water through that resistance and the power it needs to do so is commonly measured in bar (= kg per square centimeter). Good pumps should be able create more pressure (power) than they need to produce perfect espresso so that they don’t break when the right combination (fineness and consistency of grind, tamping, amount of ground coffee) are not prevalent. A good pump has a capacity of creating 15 or more bars.
To produce a lasting crema on top of your espresso the water should pass through the coffee at approximately 7 to 9 bar of pressure. If the pressure is lower, the crema will disappear before you can enjoy your coffee and the coffee will taste thin and watery. This is mostly the case when there is too little coffee in the filter holder or brewing chamber or if the coffee is too coarsely ground. If the pressure is higher than 9 bars, the coffee will taste bitter and the espresso will have no crema on top. This is mostly the case when the small metal sieves are dirty or clogged or when the coffee is ground too fine. As a result coffee extraction is too long, resulting in a bitter taste.
At 1st in Coffee we feature espresso beans, espresso machines, coffee grinders, frothers and coffee makers. We feature the Jura Capresso espresso machine, Rancilio silva, Super Automatics, Saeco, Saeco Coffee Machines, La Pavoni, Electra, Pasquini, Isomac, DeLongi, Francis Francis, Nespresso Machine, Salvatore, Vibiemme and Cuisinart brands.
1st in Coffee offers the finest espresso beans illy and Lavazza.
1st in Coffee also carries like-new refurbished espresso machines.
1st in coffee offers a 30 day guarantee, free shipping on espresso machines and coffee makers purchased over $50, lowest price guaranteed, sales tax not charged, except in New Jersey.
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This Jura Capresso Espresso Machine is top quality and very easy to use.
It’s a compact little unit and makes great tasting coffee too.
Great coffee is only made with a great machine. This one is among the best on the market and will always give perfect espresso crema for the best coffee. I am a great fan of these machines and would recommend them wholeheartedly. My only problem is with getting the tamping just right, since I have found that the espresso liquid dribbles through rather than flows; my suspicion is that I have tamped too hard or that the grounds are a lilttle damp which seems to inhibit the way the pump pushes water through the holder. Other than that mine always works brilliantly. Though it is a bit pricey, the adage that “you always get what you pay for” holds true in this case.
I bought this product after realizing how much I spent at coffee shops. I did my research on many cappuccino/latte makers and this one had almost perfect scoring every place I looked.
I’ve been using it for months now and I am very happy with the lattes this machine produces. From the speed in which you get the espresso to the thick foam on top I get an excellent
cup every time. It does everything it is suppose to do just as I’m running out the door each morning!!
I wanted an automatic espresso machine, and was prepared to spend up to a $1500, but my problem was that I couldn’t find anything in that price range that was reliable and had consistently good reviews. The Saeco Talea came up a few times, and I have a friend who has one, but that (like every other model I looked at) seemed to have only 60% or so positive reviews, or no…