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1st In Coffee
The History of Espresso Pt. 2
This is part two of our two-part series on the history of espresso. You can jump right in if you want, but we recommend you take a look at part one first. The Milan Fair and Beyond Following the Milan Fair in 1906, others began to manufacture espresso machines all
The History of Espresso Pt. 1
First, let’s make it clear what espresso is. It isn’t a bean or a blend, and it isn’t a type of roast. Espresso is a preparation method which forces pressurized hot water over coffee grounds, and produces a highly-concentrated form of coffee with a deep and potent flavor. You could
8 Ways Coffee Can Improve Your Health
Roughly 83% of adult Americans drink coffee, according to the National Coffee Association. That averages out to three cups a day per person, or almost 587 million cups a year! But, is it healthy? Yes! Coffee, when consumed in moderation, can actually improve your health. The beverage is filled with
7 Common Misconceptions About Coffee
Coffee is by far one of the most popular beverages, both in the U.S. and around the world. Despite this, many people don’t know anything about it besides the fact that Starbucks sells it. They might recall vaguely that it is grown in foreign lands, transported to giant harvesting machines,
4 Steps to the Perfect Pot of Coffee
Do you wake up every morning with gummy eyes, throw your instant coffee in the microwave, slurp it down, and then run out the door? For many, the answer is yes. If shotgunning caffeine into your bloodstream as quickly as possible is the goal, then this approach is fine. But,
Uses for Leftover Coffee
We know what many of you are thinking: what is “leftover coffee”? Most people know that the best coffee comes from beans that are freshly roasted and used within a certain amount of time. For those who have not yet perfected exactly how much coffee they can drink before the
Facts About Coffee That Will Blow Your Mind
We all have that one person in our lives who is a know-it-all when it comes to coffee, claims that their way is the only right way to brew it, and can give you the exact science behind what makes a perfect cup of coffee. But do they know which
Delicious Coffee Desserts
If you like dessert and absolutely love coffee, we have some good news. Coffee is incredibly easy to insert into a lot of desserts and will have your taste buds begging for more. We aren’t talking about sweet coffee drinks, either. From coffee macarons (a light-weight cookie made either with
Baristas to Follow on Instagram
Latte art has been around since the late 1980s in America, but, with the arrival of Instagram, it soon became all the rage. Now, baristas have more admirers of their art than just those who visit their coffee shops. Check out these amazing artists/baristas on Instagram and give them a
Additional Reasons to Fuel Your Coffee Addiction
You might be wondering what other possible reasons you need to love coffee other than its delicious taste and lovely aroma. Well, it turns out that there are thousands of reasons to love coffee, but we’ve narrowed it down to just a few for why you should feel good about