Home»Coffee Grinders»Coffee Inhaler Hits The Market

Coffee Inhaler Hits The Market

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Coffee Inhaler Le Whif has introduced a new product on the market, a Coffee Inaler. The device was developed by Harvard Professor of Biomedical Engineering, David Edwards and Thierry Max, a Persian Chef. They have also developed a “breathable chocolate” as well.The inhaler looks a lot like a lipstick container and it contains a powder inside that you breath in from the tube. It will sell on the maret for three dollars each or eight dollars for a box of 3 inhalers. Each inhaler delivers the equivalent of one shot of espresso in caffeine, 100 milligrams. Each inhaler can administer up to 9 hits of caffine, depending upon how ard they are inhaled.

At 1st In Coffee we feature the line of Jura Capresso espresso machines. espresso beans, espresso machines, coffee grinders, frothers and the finest espresso beans – illy and Lavazza.
1st In Coffee also carries other brand name like-new factory refurbished espresso machines.

1st In coffee offers a 30 day guarantee, free shipping on espresso machines and coffee makers purchased over $50, lowest price guaranteed, sales tax not charged, except in New Jersey. 

Contact us toll free at 800.709.8210, if you need more information on any espresso machines, coffee grinders, coffee makers or coffee supplies.

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