Recycling Your Grounds
Chances are, you are one of the millions of Americans who consume coffee every day. Perhaps, you get up every morning to grind your coffee beans for a smooth, delicious taste. Maybe you want to eliminate all the fuss and simply rely on your coffee maker to produce your golden
Literature’s Celebration of Coffee
Coffee—a drink celebrated and consumed all over the world. Alone, Americans drink about two cups of coffee a piece, every day, and over 50 percent of our population drinks coffee daily. In fact, drinking regular cups of coffee will give you energy and a mental sharpness to tackle the day.
Coffee in America
Even though you may stumble out of bed every morning and make your way to your coffee maker, you probably don’t give much thought about how many other Americans are doing just that. Or, how we are changing the way we drink coffee in the United States to model our
Coffee’s Hollywood Appearances
If there is one thing we know for sure, we need our coffee every morning. Just the smell of freshly roasted beans alone is enough to get us—and, we’re assuming, most of you—out of bed in the morning. It’s so important in many of our lives, even though we may
Espresso and Coffee: What’s the Difference
While both espresso and coffee have their similarities – they both have caffeine and both taste delicious – they are some notable differences. Despite what you may think, there are no separate plants or beans that produce espresso. The beans used to make espresso are either a specific type of
Things You Need to Know About Coffee
Coffee might be the most important beverage in the world. We rely on coffee to help us through those rough Monday mornings and keep us going through our afternoon meetings. But how much do you know about the beverage you are consuming? Well, look no further. Here are all the
Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking Coffee
Coffee is one of the most important beverages in the world. Most of us would be lost without our coffee every morning. In the United States, 54% of people have at least one cup of coffee per day. In Italy, espresso is regulated by the government because they consider it
Manual Lever vs. Super Automatic Espresso Machines
If you enjoy an espresso drink and are tired of going to your local coffee shop all the time for it, then consider getting your own espresso machine so that you can start enjoying delicious espresso brews at home. An espresso machine can help you conveniently create cappuccinos, mochas, macchiatos,
All About Espresso
Espresso Some people don’t know what an espresso is. Some might think it is just another word used to describe a cup of coffee. But, unlike joe or java, espresso is not just another synonym for coffee. An espresso is a strong black coffee made from steam. The name espresso
Can You Drink Coffee While Pregnant?
Going through caffeine withdrawal is never fun, but it’s especially not fun when you are also pregnant. While you are ecstatic at the thought of welcoming your new baby, pregnancy does come with a list of things that you are supposed to give up. Foods, drinks, substances, and activities that